

Q 1. How much parking will be provided?

A. The precise number of parking spaces hasn’t been confirmed yet because we are seeking an outline planning permission which means approval of the principle of development and access only. In order to deliver the scheme, another application will need to be submitted called a reserved matters application which will establish more detailed elements including the exact number of parking spaces.

Q 2. What is the overall timeline for the application?

A. Pre-Application Engagement (on-going)

Public Consultation: Late July – Mid September 2022

Submission of Outline Planning Application: February 2023

Statutory Consultation Period: March – April 2023

Application Decision:  Spring/Summer 2023

Q 3. How will do you intend to manage the construction process if this application is approved?

A. A construction management plan that protects existing residents from potentially disruptive construction operations will be prepared as part of the requirement of a condition of any approval given that will ensure that traffic movements and noisy works will be limited to times when residents will be least affected.

Q 4. Why does this consultation only discuss the principles of the proposals and not any detail?

A. The application is in outline meaning that a decision is only sought on the principles of development.  The emerging Masterplan is illustrative only and should planning permission be granted a further ‘reserved matters’ application will be submitted to provide the detail such as the final layout, appearance and scale of the proposed homes and other matters such as parking and landscaping.